Rustic wedding

Rustic wedding

Simona e Mauro Rustic wedding 19-05-2018 L’amore vince su tutto First and foremost, Simona and Mauro are dear friends of mine. Simona has been telling me for a long time that when she gets married, I have to organize her wedding. So, when the fateful question...
25 years of life together

25 years of life together

Marco e Luciane 25 years of life together 02-02-2019 The beginning of a new life Marco and Luciane are a truly unique couple: Marco is Italian, Luciane comes from Brazil, and they live in the Netherlands. Their desire is to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in...
Business party

Business party

Business Party BUSINESS PARTY 15-02-2018 A thank you as big as a pencil The event planning business is multifaceted and encompasses an almost infinite range of variations, especially when it comes to corporate events. This is the story of a great leader, so loved and...
Retirement party

Retirement party

Anna Retirement party 30-05-2018 The beginning of a new life After a life spent in the hospital and after well over a thousand nights on duty, the time has come for Anna to retire! For her, it’s a significant milestone that doesn’t mark the end of anything...
First Communion

First Communion

First Communion First Communion 03-05-2015 Love before everything Lorenzo is an extraordinary young man. His mom decides to rely on an event planner for her son’s party, and when I meet him, he has clear ideas about what he doesn’t want but less precise...